Delivery Fee Cap in Jeopardy

This Friday the NYC Council is holding a public hearing on proposed legislation we call the Bigger Fees for Big Delivery Bill. This proposal would gut the fee cap law by allowing companies like DoorDash, Uber, and Grubhub to increase the per order fees they may charge restaurants, from the current cap of 23% to a whopping 43% of each order!
While the proposal requires third-party delivery companies to offer restaurants a 5% option that makes them “listed and discoverable” on their platforms, that term shockingly is not defined, thus letting these untrustworthy companies make the 5% option so unattractive that a restaurant’s deliveries plummet from current levels, unless they pay Bigger Fees to the Big Delivery Companies.
To make this proposal and City Council hearing more insidious, as we recently explained in our op-ed titled, Corporate Giants Deploy Subpoenas to Squash Advocacy, Press - DoorDash, Uber and Grubhub are attacking advocacy groups like the NYC Hospitality Alliance, restaurants, reporters, government officials and others who oppose their deregulation or report on their egregious business practices, to intimidate us all so we don’t speak out against them.
They will NOT intimidate or silence the NYC Hospitality Alliance. We will testify at the City Council hearing on Friday in opposition to Intro 762 the Bigger Fees for Big Delivery Bill!
We do not want to make your restaurants or you personally a target of DoorDash, Uber, and Grubhub’s ire by asking you to submit new testimony or communicating about this matter because they may subpoena you. Just know that any testimony you’ve submitted over the past years is part of the public record and paints a powerful picture of why these third-party delivery companies cannot be trusted.
- Submit written testimony to explaining why you don’t want the City Council to gut the current fee cap and why it would hurt your restaurant.
o Testimony must be submitted no later than 72 hours after the close of the hearing on Friday, June 21.
- Want to testify in-person at City Hall or on Zoom?
o Please register in advance of the hearing at
§ Where prompted, select “Fri, June 21 @ 10:00AM – Committee on Consumer Affairs and Worker Protection.
· The hearing will be held at City Hall at 10AM on Friday, June 21st.
If you plan on attending and/or testifying or have any questions please email us at, so we know to expect you.
Please register in advance of the hearing at
We will report back after the hearing.