Labor & Employment Considerations for the Post- Pandemic New York Hospitality Employer

Approximately 16 months after COVID-19 forced New York to a screeching halt, many restaurants, hotels, bars, caterers and other hospitality establishments have reopened and employers must be aware of many labor and employment considerations.
This alert covers the following topics:
- Special Charges for Banquets and Private Events: Administrative Fees or Gratuities?
- Avoiding Age Discrimination When Bringing Back Employees
- Repeating the Onboarding Process for Re-Hired Employees
- Tip Credits and Other Allowances: Ensuring Compliant Pay Stubs
- Employee Job Responsibilities: Complying With New York’s 80-20 Rule
- Proper Classification and Pay of Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees
- Harassment and Discrimination Claims: Preserving Employee Documents
- Preparation of NY HERO Plans