Online Betting in Liquor Licensed Establishments

Robert and Max Bookman of Pesetsky & Bookman PC, general and legislative counsel to the NYC Hospitality Alliance, have an update for members regarding online betting in liquor licensed establishments. The Alliance has recently received several inquiries from members who have been approached by online sports betting companies proposing various promotional opportunities, especially as the Super Bowl nears. Although online sports betting was recently made legal in New York State, it remains illegal for businesses that hold liquor licenses to "suffer or permit gambling on the licensed premises."
Today, SLA posted a notice on its website, advising the public that it "will not be charging licensees if individuals are placing bets on their telephones with legally authorized sites while at the premises of a licensed retailer, but if licensees promote gambling at their premises in any way, or allow others to promote gambling at their premises, they will be violating the law and subject to charges."
Members should therefore be advised that promotional partnerships between online sports betting companies and bars and restaurants are considered illegal by SLA, as that would promote gambling on the premises.
You can read the full notice here.