Press Conference: Suspending Liquor License Fee in NYC

Yesterday, the NYC Hospitality Alliance joined Mayor Adams for a press conference at The Turks Inn in Brooklyn to implement legislation we championed. The legislation was introduced by Council Members Powers and Brannan and suspends the city’s liquor license surcharge, which is unique in that only NYC businesses pay it. The NYC Hospitality Alliance has been advocating for this legislation with the support of our members, and we now add it to our list of advocacy ideas that have become victories for our industry!
The suspension of the liquor license surcharge will put on average $400-$500 back into the pockets of small business owners. Not only was this a pesky and unfair surcharge, but an accidental late payment of the surcharge could result in the delay of being issued a sidewalk café license and permits, while also having to deal with other bureaucratic headaches.
The NYC Hospitality Alliance commends Mayor Adams for including the suspension of the fee in his economic blueprint, and we thank Council Members Powers and Brannan for introducing this legislation, along with all its supporters.
You may view the press release with The Alliance's statement included HERE.