RRF Votes Summarized

NYC Hospitality Alliance members have been asking how many members of the U.S. Senate voted on yesterday’s failed attempt to replenish the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. You will find the tally below. Despite some bipartisan support from five Republicans who joined the 47 Democrats in voting yes, it was not sufficient to overcome the 43 Republicans who voted no.
DEMOCRATS: 47 YEAS, 0 NAYS, 3 Not Voting.
REPUBLICANS: 5 YEAS, 43 NAYS, 2 Not Voting.
We recognize this is a huge blow to countless restaurants in need, so the NYC Hospitality Alliance will recap with our partners around the country to determine next steps.
It is important to note and recognize that New York’s U.S. Senator Schumer, Gillibrand, and our state’s Congressional delegation voted in favor of replenishing the RRF, so thank you to all our members for contacting their elected officials upon request, and for your steadfast advocacy with us. Your voices were clearly heard by your elected representatives, but unfortunately there was not enough support around the rest of the country to pass the bill yesterday.