Founded in 2017, Rethink Food is an NYC-based, national nonprofit organization with the mission to create a more sustainable and equitable food system. At the core of our work is making better connections in our food system – creating efficient and effective systems to bridge the gap between 108 billion pounds of excess food and the 38 million people who struggle with food insecurity in the U.S. every year.
Rethink Food has demonstrated a model that empowers food system stakeholders— restaurants, small businesses, distributors, purveyors, corporations, and more—as a conduit for improving access to culturally-celebrated food in communities of greatest need. We make it easier for them to get involved as community solution providers and for individuals to readily and consistently access nutritious and dignified food free of charge.
Rethink Food currently partners with 65+ restaurants and a growing number of food excess partners to provide about 50,000 meals per week across 6 cities (New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, Nashville, Washington D.C, and Miami), 7 days a week.
Since its founding, Rethink Food has provided over 9.5 million meals to local communities across New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Nashville, Washington D.C., and Miami; directed over $36.8 million to restaurants and food establishments; partnered with 75% minority and women-owned businesses; and used 1.5 million pounds of excess food—saving 3.75 million lbs CO2 and 41.4 million gallons of fresh H20.
For more information: rethinkfood.org | @rethinkfood on Instagram & Twitter.