TAKE ACTION - Important Update on Restaurant Revitalization Fund

The NYC Hospitality Alliance alongside the Independent Restaurant Coalition and other advocates around the country continue to fight hard for the replenishment of the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF), which 65% of eligible businesses in New York were shutout of when the relief money was quickly exhausted. Now, it's extremely important that you TAKE ACTION as the Senate will be voting to replenish the RRF next week.
Throughout the week, we urge you to call your senators and tell them to #ReplenishRRF. This may be the last shot at securing additional relief that is so desperately needed by our industry, and it still requires the support of more senators to be replenished, particularly U.S. Senate Republican support, so now is the time to utilize any connections to them you may have! Replenishing the RRF is still far from certain, so we must fight and take action now if we stand any chance at all!