Take Action Now - RRF Replenishment

Time is running out, so YOU must act now to ensure the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) is replenished in tandem with the federal government’s appropriations process that must be completed by March 11.
65% of restaurants and bars in New York were shutout of this critical relief program that they desperately need when RRF funding was quickly exhausted (Nearly 200K eligible businesses were denied around the country!). So, Congress needs to step up and support them from further financial crisis.
Today, we’re holding a Day of Action with the Independent Restaurant Collation and groups around the nation to sound the alarm. WE NEED YOU TO TAKE 5 MINUTES AND TAKE ACTION NOW! AND…please forward this email to everyone you know in the hospitality industry and urge them to take action too!
- POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc ) Click here to download graphic. Sample Post:
Congress MUST ACT THIS WEEK to save restaurants, bars & jobs by replenishing the Restaurant Revitalization Fund! Nearly 2/3 of applicants were denied access to grants when the funds ran out, and they desperately need relief now! #SaveRestaurants @theNYCalliance @IndpRestaurants
- HANG POSTER: Download and print this poster for your storefront. Post a picture of your poster on social media to help spread the word.
- CALL CONGRESS: Click to call your representatives in Congress. We’ll provide a script and talking points so that you can tell them to save restaurants by replenishing the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.
We cannot afford to give up this fight for our industry. This is our best chance to deliver relief for our industry — and we need all the help we can get to cross the finish line. TAKE ACTION NOW!