Tip Credit, Strong Support

The NYC Hospitality Alliance is constantly advocating to preserve the Tip Credit and strongly opposing its elimination in New York.
State senators and assembly members are hearing firsthand from those who are directly impacted by the Tip Credit. These business owners and workers are sharing their real-life experiences about the importance of the tip credit to their restaurants, bars, and jobs.
The momentum to preserve the Tip Credit is building, but the battle is far from over. There is a serious fight ahead to combat the misinformation being spread by anti-Tip Credit lobbyists. We must stay vigilant, proactive, and united.
Facts at a glance:
- Key Insights on the Tip Credit in 2025, Alliance Alert (read here)
- A recent poll of tipped workers in New York State revealed that 84% believe the current tipping system works well for them, and 88% want to maintain it.(read here)
- If the Tip Credit is eliminated (read here):
- 76% of NYC restaurants surveyed would raise menu prices
- 67% would cut jobs
- 54% would consider closing their businesses
- 42% would explore eliminating tipping altogether to reduce costs for consumers—a system shown to reduce worker income.
- New Documentary on the Tip Credit and Disaster in D.C since they began eliminating it – (watch here)
We must continue amplifying the voices of those who depend on the Tip Credit and make sure the facts are heard loud and clear. Let’s keep up the fight!