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Law Firm

The restaurant and hospitality industry is known to have an extraordinarily high mortality rate for new ventures within the first five years of operation. The reasons behind those failures are many — location selection, lack of start-up capital, vague brand identity, inconsistent service, partner or employee disputes, and even mission drift. In today’s ultra-competitive food and beverage marketplace, where guests are sophisticated and business challenges come from both expected and unexpected places, it is imperative that foodie entrepreneurs, restaurant groups, celebrity chefs, craft brewers, hotel owners, and investors engage a strong team of advisors to limit bumps along the road to success. Our Restaurant & Hospitality team is experienced and ready to assist at every stage of the business lifecycle:

  • Corporate Structuring and Governance
  • Raising Capital and Investor Relations
  • Commercial Credit and Finance
  • Acquisitions
  • Franchising
  • Tax Planning
  • Leasing and Construction
  • Liquor Licensing
  • Intellectual Property and Brand Protection
  • Employment Matters (including wage & hour and harassment)
  • Executive Chef Compensation and Profit Sharing Programs
  • Dispute Resolution

Our strategy is simple – understand the market, ask the right questions to help you formulate your goals, then apply informed creative thinking to help you reach those goals. As your counsel, we are ready to help anticipate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and ensure you are ready to respond and thrive.