Landmark Reform

The NYC Hospitality Alliance is happy to announce that the Landmarks Preservation Commission (“LPC”) has proposed amending their Rules to speed up the review and approval process for minor alterations for businesses located in landmark districts.
The proposal includes a reform that we have advocated for, which is to expand the type of renovations that are eligible for expedited review and approval at the LPC staff level. We anticipate that the proposed reforms will be approved.
While not included in the proposal at this time, we are also advocating to allow certain minor interior renovations to proceed without the need for any approval, so long as the application is certified by a professional architect.
In addition to the testimony we submitted in support of these reforms, we thank our member BCD who submitted comments regarding technical aspects of the proposal.
We thank LPC for its role in ensuring that our city's historic buildings and districts remain preserved and harmonized with new and creative development while seeking ways to reduce regulatory burdens on small businesses.