Paid Vacation Time

There is proposed legislation that if passed, will require employers to provide up to two-weeks of paid vacation, in addition to the one-week of paid sick leave they’re already required to give. In the hospitality industry, this means there are additional challenges and costs of replacing the workers who are out. Our position is that if it’s a moral imperative that all workers get paid vacation, then the City has a moral obligation to help fund and administer the benefit, similar to how Social Security, Paid Family Leave, and other benefits are offered.
The NYC Hospitality Alliance issued the following statement and appeared widely in the press explaining the financial and operational challenges this proposal would pose on city restaurants and bars.
“Workers in New York City already earn up to a week of paid time off via the paid sick leave law. And, while giving an additional two weeks paid vacation sounds like a nice idea, it has a significant cost for businesses, especially at a time when vacant storefronts plague our city streets and employment growth at city restaurants has gone flat, due in large part to other government mandates." NYC Hospitality Alliance
Click here to watch a video clip of The Alliance’s executive director Andrew Rigie on NY1’s Inside City Hall discussing the proposals and their impact on the hospitality industry. We will continue to work with the business community to address this proposed mandate.